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Our mission is to increase awareness of the brain’s potential through the study, application and dissemination of a revolutionary holistic educational method called Brain Education, both in the UN forum and around the world.



We envision a world where each individual reaches their full potential through greater understanding and proper use of their brain. As more individuals accomplish this, we will witness health, happiness and peace at the community, national, and global level.   

Projects in Hawai'i


On-going discussions have been initiated with the Hawai'i DOE. We are in the process of getting approval for Brain Education (BE) pilot study with Hawai’i schools.  We plan to educate BE to school children and teachers to help them improve physical/mental health, management of stress, focus, creativity, and self confidence. In conjunction with Body and Brain Centers of Hawai'i, BE programs have been implemented in after school classes and summer programs in elementary through middle schools for both public and private institutions in Hawai'i.


The International Brain Education Association (IBREA) is an IRS 501 (c)(3) non-governmental organization associated with the United Nations DPI, whose mission is to educate individuals, communities, and nations to realize the potential of the human brain to bring health, happiness, and peace to all of humanity and the Earth.

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