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Dave Beal is the Program Director and Head National Trainer for Power Brain Education (PBE). After several successful years of teaching Brain Education (BE) as a classroom teacher in Freeport and Brooklyn, New York, Dave became a certified BE Trainer and has spent the last eight years training thousands of educators, administrators, parents and students how to utilize their fullest brain potential through BE. Dave’s vision is to help every school in the US become a “Power Brain School” which promotes health, happiness, peace and optimal achievement for each member of the school community. Power Brain Education has worked with 350 schools, training 10,000 teachers and 30,000 students over the past eight years. 


Dave has led experiential BE sessions and lectures at the United Nations Headquarters, Nike Corporate Headquarters, the University of Brain Education in South Korea and presented BE to the Congress of New Mexico. Dave holds his BA from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and his Masters in Education from PACE University (both with honors). He is the main trainer for all Power Brain Education instructor programs.

Dave Beal

Program Director and Head National Trainer for Power Brain Education

Isabel Pastor has been the Program Developer and Manager at International Brain Education Association (IBREA) since September 2010.  As certified Brain Education instructor since November 2009, Isabel has developed and provided seminars and programs in  New York, Liberia, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, as well as in the UN forum. From July 2003 until July 2008, Isabel worked for the International Organization for Migrations (IOM) as policy analyst. She holds a BA in Law and a Master's degree in Public  Administration  from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Isabel Pastor

Program Developer and Manager at International Brain Education Association (IBREA)

Unlock Your Brain's Potential

Making a Difference in the Community

Dr. James Westpahl, M.D.

Chief of Psychiatry, Adult Mental Health Division, Hawai'i State Hospital

Science Meets Brain Education

Dr. Westphal is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry with the University of Hawai'i, John A. Burns School of Medicine and the Psychiatry Chief of the Adult Mental Health Division, Department of Health, State of Hawai'i.  He attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Wisconsin, Madison as an undergraduate with a B.S. in Biochemistry and a M.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin.  


Conference Speakers

Master of Ceremonies

Ulalia Woodside has been a lifelong practitioner of hula, and as a Kumu Hula, she is appreciative of the mind, body, and energy connections she has practiced at Body & Brain. A graduate of Hawaiian studies, Hawaiian language, and political science from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, she is currently the Regional Manager of Natural & Cultural Resources at Kamehameha Schools, managing land encompassing over 200,000 acres on Hawai'i, Oahu, and Kaua’i. Together with her strong team she has the kuleana to care for Kamehameha Schools’ resources (Malama ‘Aina). Her team also develops programs to steward natural resources and increase understanding and preservation of cultural resources (Wahi Kupuna) on more than 340,000 acres of Kamehameha  Schools’ agriculture and conservation lands.

Ulalia Woodside

Regional Manager of Natural & Cultural Resources at Kamehameha Schools

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